Subliminal definition
Subliminal definition

subliminal definition

In 1983, in five studies with 52 undergraduate and graduate students, found that although subliminally flashing and the masking the words affects the availability of conscious processing, it however has little effect on visual processing itself. If the subjects were flashed a whole sentence, the words would not be perceived and no effect would be expected. Neither the experimental nor controlled subjects reported for a higher preference for beef sandwiches when given a list of five different foods, but the experimental subjects did rate themselves as hungrier than the controlled subjects when given a survey.


The word " beef" was flashed for several, five millisecond intervals during a sixteen-minute movie to experimental subjects, while nothing was flashed to controlled subjects. As only a word or image can be effectively perceived, the simpler features of that image or word will cause a change in behavior (i.e., beef is related to hunger). Though many things can be perceived from subliminal messages, only a couple words or a single image of unconscious signals can be internalized. In the end, the study showed 80% of the subjects unconsciously perceived the backward message, meaning they showed a preference for that particular rum. Before the study, participants were able to try to identify any hidden message in the ad, none found any. A study was done to test the effectiveness of the alcohol ad. The phrase "U Buy" was embedded somewhere, backwards in the picture. This is evident by a pictorial advertisement that portrays four different types of rum. Subconscious stimulus by single words is well known to be modestly effective in changing human behavior or emotions. Those who were not thirsty, however, were not influenced by the subliminal message since their goal was not to quench their thirst. In his study he found that subliminally priming a brand name of a drink (Lipton Ice) made those who were thirsty want the Lipton Ice.

subliminal definition

Half of his participants were subliminally primed with Lipton Ice ("Lipton Ice" was repeatedly flashed on a computer screen for 24 milliseconds), while the other half was primed with a control that did not consist of a brand. His study sought to ascertain whether or not subliminally priming or preparing the participant with text or an image without being aware of it would make the partaker more familiar with the product. Karremans did a study assessing whether subliminal priming of a brand name of a drink would affect a person’s choice of drink, and whether this effect is caused by the individual’s feelings of being thirsty. Johan Karremans suggests that subliminal messages have an effect when the messages are goal-relevant. So something sublime is "up to" the threshold of what is good, while something subliminal sneaks in below the threshold of conscious thought.Used in advertising to create familiarity with new products, subliminal messages make familiarity into a preference for the new products. Subliminal also sprang directly from this exact combination, but how? Turns out that sub- can mean both "up to" and "below", although we know it more as being "below" in the English language.

subliminal definition

The root here is limen, which meant threshhold, and the prefix is sub-, which in this case meant "up to". First, sublime. Through Middle English sublimen and Old French sublimer, it traces to Latin sublimere, meaning "to raise high" (you sort of guess from there how both the meanings of "phase transition from solid to gas" and "exalted" can and did stem from this the "lofty" definition has been around longer, though). Well, that's a very interesting question with a fascination answer. A friend asked me today whether the words sublime and subliminal are etymologically connected.

Subliminal definition